SIGHPC Education Chapter Officers
Volunteerism is the key component to the continued success of our SigHPC Education Chapter. We encourage SIGHPC members to consider serving as a chapter officer. Nominations and applications for officers will be conducted each year and must be submitted around mid-April. The officers shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at the annual election, to be held towards the end of April. New officers will take office in May and serve for one year.
The following are descriptions for each office:
The Chair is the principal officer and is responsible for leading the Chapter and managing its activities in accordance with the policies and procedures of the ACM and the SigHPC Education Chapter bylaws. These activities include completion and submission of the financial report to ACM headquarters, prompt payment of bills, and presiding at all meetings of the Chapter and of its Executive Council. The chair must be a full member of ACM as well as a member of the chapter.
Vice Chair
The Vice Chair assists the Chair with all duties, and will step in and act as Chair if they are unavailable. The Vice Chair must be a full member of ACM as well as a member of the chapter.
The role of the Secretary-Treasurer is to support the Chair in ensuring the smooth functioning of the chapter. The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that the records and minutes are effectively organized and maintained in accordance with the bylaws. The Secretary-Treasurer must be a full member of ACM, a member of the chapter, and a US resident to manage chapter finances.
At-Large Members
There are two at-large officers that also serve. At large members need only be a member of the chapter.
Asia/Pacific and European Regional Officers at-large
The Chapter currently has two Regional Officers with roles specifically intended to diversify the executive council and ensure international representation. Regional Officers have no specific duties unless assigned, and are intended to help provide representation and cultivate relationships within their regions. The European at-large member must be a chapter member and must reside in Europe. Likewise, the Asia-Pacific at-large member must be a chapter member and reside in the Asic-Pacific region.
No member may serve in the office of Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary-Treasurer for more than two consecutive years.
Chapter members may self-nominate or nominate other members for the offices. Nominations should be sent to